DJASA UBERSAKTI Established in 1971 as a National Company. Up to 2004 the major share holder was "Yayasan Trisakti " a foundation ...



Established in 1971 as a National Company. Up to 2004 the major share holder was "Yayasan Trisakti " a foundation committed to provide Higher Education ( university ).
From 2004 thereafter, the shares of Yayasan Trisakti had been sold to Senior Executive Directors.

Djasa Ubersakti grows rapidly in the Oil & Gas Projects,especially before the
energy crisis. Afterwards develops also in Civil Building Projects and Industrial Projects

During 1990 - 2003 Djasa Ubersakti was an " in-house " Contractor of Yayasan Trisakti
for multi-storeys college building works at the Trisakti University Campus.

Since February 6, 2004 Djasa Ubersakti had reorganized and appointed the new Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, keeping a Motto

"Satisfaction through Quality and Timely Completion at Competitive Price"

Project Manager


* Degree / S1 majoring in Civil / Architecture

* Have minimum 15 years of experince as a project manager in build at least 20 storey building

* Computer Literate

* Willing to be located outside Jakarta/Jawa

Please send your complete resume with recent Photograph to: