Indonesia is divided with 3 time zone, it’s a WIB stand for “Waktu
Indonesia Bagian Barat” or West Indonesia time zone, WITA stand for “Waktu
Indonesia Tengah” or Middle Indonesia time zone and last is WIT stand for “Waktu
Indonesia Timur” or East Indonesia time
Based on GMT, WIB is GMT +7 and WITA is GMT+8 meanwhile WIT
is GMT +9, so if you ask “What Time is it in Indonesia”. You can calculate by
using GMT as a reference.
For example if you live in New York State of United State of
America and your friend ask you a simple question like this “What Time is it in
Indonesia?” You can always answer with,
In New York is GMT -5, its mean behind 5 hour and Indonesia
west zone is GMT +7 or ahead 7 hour from Greenwich Mean Time, so we have different
12 hour in New York from Indonesia. If now is 9 AM in New York, so time in
Indonesia west zone is 9 PM.
If friend of your ask another question regarding another
Indonesia time zone. You can always user GMT as a reference. Just keep in your
mind that Indonesia have three different time zone. It is not only one time
zone in Indonesia.
If you not sure about the question “What Time is it in
Indonesia right now?” You can ask another clarification; ask the city name in Indonesia.
If you know the city, compare it with Indonesia maps. Divided that map in 3
region. Locate the city and predict the time region. It is not always correct,
you can wrong. However, it will have a better answer that “I don’t know”.
Below is just for your reference with the Province name in Indonesia
Province Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
Province Sumatera
Province Sumatera
Province Riau
Province Kepulauan
Riau (Kepri)
Province Jambi
Province Sumatera
Province Lampung
Province Bangka
Province Bengkulu
Province DKI Jakarta
Province Jawa Barat
Province Banten
Province Jawa Tengah
Province DI
Province Jawa Timur
Province Kalimantan
Province Kalimantan
Province Kalimantan Utara
Province Kalimantan
Province Kalimantan
Province Bali
Province Nusa
Tenggara Barat
Province Nusa
Tenggara Timur
Province Sulawesi
Province Sulawesi
Province Sulawesi
Province Sulawesi
Province Sulawesi
Province Gorontalo
Province Maluku
Province Maluku Utara
Province Papua
Province Papua Barat
Indonesia Barat (WIB)
What Time is it in
Indonesia?, Another reference you can always search in the internet
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